BCC Floating
1. Information
De Bever Combi Compact is een decentrale klasse 2 afvalwaterzuivering voor biologisch afbreekbaar huishoudelijk afvalwater van bijvoorbeeld woningen, vakantiewoningen, kantoren en bedieningslocaties.
The Bever Autarkic is a floating wastewater treatment system for canals, lakes, recreational area´s and other remote locations.
In many European countries the treatment of wastewater on remote locations is an point of concern. Especially the treatment of wastewater from recreational crafts and small river cruisers is a point of concern.
We have therefore developed the autarkic Bever® Loo-station to treat wastewater from these vessels in a biological process and discharges the clean and disinfected water on the surrounding waters.
The whole system is designed and assembled in our own facilities, and is built in a vandalism free container. The required energy to run the system is generated by solar panels and allows a 24/7 h continuous operation. By means of a biological process the waste is converted to harmless substances. The effluent stream is filtered by an Ultra Filtration module to remove all suspended solids and potential harmful substances like bacteria, viruses, Helminth eggs. Designed for up to 5000 litres of wastewater per day the stations contributes to reduced nitrogen and phosphorus emissions, increases the water safety and avoids the growth of algae. Monitoring of the system takes place with a telemetry system and allows an unmanned operation of several stations in one network. Special attention is paid to make a user friendly and easy to operate system for the visitors.
Zuiveringsrendement voor CE certificering volgens NEN-EN 12566-3:
- CZV (chemisch zuurstof verbruik) 90.2 %
- BZV (biologisch zuurstof verbruik) 96.2 %
- N-NH4 (ammoniumstikstof) 67,3 %
- N-Kj (Kjeldahl-stikstof) 72,3 %
- Totaal zwevende stof 72,3 %
- Totaal zwevende stof 72,3 %
- Elektrisch verbruik bij 0,75m3 belasting p/d 0,35 kWh/d